Friday, May 18, 2012

Link Love 2

Trendy "functional" waters are giving plain old H₂0 a run for its money. 
But do they really improve your health?
All the yummy treats you love, and these 10 are diet-friendly to boot. Sweet!

Packaged foods have gotten a bad, um, wrap. But, they’ve come a long way.  
Consider this your stay-slim shopping list.
Trying to slim down and feeling frustrated?  If you’re giving it your all but the number on the scale still isn’t budging, you may be sabotaging yourself in spite of your best intentions.
Here are a dozen dieting don'ts to help save your weight-loss efforts.

Most of us eat too much sugar.  If you’re trying to cut back on added sugars in your diet, you’ve probably already tackled the obvious sources: sugar-sweetened beverages and desserts.  But what about the less-obvious sources of added sugars?

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