Monday, May 21, 2012

Something New: Week 4 Wrap-up

Well, I have made it through the fourth week of the competition!  That time just flew on by! Anywho, the final tally for this week - 2 lbs lost for a total of 6 lbs! 
**doing my happy dance**


  • A lot of my new habits are becoming easier: Using a food journal, cooking dinner regularly, skipping regular sodas, drinking more water, exercising almost daily, etc.  I guess that old rule of doing something for 21-28 days to make it a habit is true.
  • I am still drinking a steady six glasses of water a day.  Oh, those last two glasses continue to elude me!  BTW, I have not been counting tea or Crystal Light drinks in my total, even though they are mostly water.
  • I surprised myself when I realized that I had not had a fast food burger and fries in one month!  It doesn't even take me very long to cook at home because I keep some 15 - 20 minute meal options in the freezer at all times.  I almost went to Taco Bell the other day, but started thinking that I am on a roll!  Instead, I went to the store and bought all of the ingredients to cook my own tacos at home with ground turkey.  I need to save those fast food moments for evenings when I really don't have time to cook.
  • My new exercise regimen has been working out great, especially since it has been getting much warmer outside.  I started the EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge for strength training last week and continue to do the Wii Fit on my rest days for cardio.  Surprisingly, I have decided to continue exercising six days a week; I can't even believe I have given myself this goal.  Let's be real for a minute.  Do I WANT to do all of this exercise?  Absolutely not.  However, I would rather get up and do it so that it becomes a habit.  It helps that my workouts are between 20-25 minutes and I usually have dinner in the oven.  By the time I finish, I just take a quick shower, sit down and enjoy a good meal.  I figure if I keep it up at this pace, I will be ok on the days that I can't workout because of my schedule.

New Motto:  Slow and steady wins the race!

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