Monday, May 14, 2012

Something New: Week 3 Wrap Up

Well, I have made it through the third week of the competition and I called myself trying to make a healthier spaghetti casserole for my Mom for Mother's Day.   Lesson learned:  Don't try to cook spaghetti with ground turkey for your Mom when she doesn't even need to lose weight, lol!!  I was politely informed that, "Everybody doesn't want to eat what you are eating".  Yes ma'am!  I ended up making two casseroles: one with ground turkey and another with ground beef.  LMBO!!  

Anywho, the final tally for this week - 1 lb lost for a total of 4 lbs!

Soooo, since I made those two casseroles and had to calculate the calories in each, I discovered that there really isn't that much difference between lean ground beef and ground turkey.  Now I bought the seasoned ground turkey because I wanted to try it out, but I have also listed the 93% lean ground turkey for an exact comparison to the ground beef.  Everyone says that turkey is so much better for you, but take a look at the facts:
    • Seasoned Italian Style Ground Turkey
      •  Calories - 190
      • Fat - 10g
      • Saturated fat - 2.5g
      • Cholesterol - 75mg
      • Sodium - 670mg
      • Protein - 20g
    • Lean ground beef (93% lean, 7% fat)
      • Calories - 160
      • Fat - 8g
      • Saturated fat - 4g
      • Cholesterol - 70mg
      • Sodium - 75mg
      • Protein - 23g
    • Ground turkey (93% lean, 7% fat - for comparison purposes)
      • Calories - 150
      • Fat - 8g
      • Saturated fat - 3.5g
      • Cholesterol - 80mg
      • Sodium - 95mg
      • Protein - 22g
Now this just tells me that I need to leave the pre-seasoned turkey alone because of the HUGE difference in the amount of sodium.  Geez! 

I have almost increased my water intake to a steady six glasses a day so now I am working on eight.  I must be getting used to it because it wasn't as aggravating.  I was only able to walk outside one day this week due to my schedule and the weather, so I pulled out my Wii Fit at home for exercise instead.  I'll post more about my experience with that later.

New Goals AGAIN: More water & more sleep!  I am still not getting enough rest and I am pretty sure that is affecting my weight loss.  Onward and Upward folks!!

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