Thursday, June 21, 2012

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Lord knows I don't get enough sleep!  This is a summary of great information from  Enjoy!

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

woman, sleep, flowers, istockphoto, 4x3
 (Credit: istockphoto)

The best diet plan is one that involves a moderate diet, adequate exercise and the right amount of sleep. When you feel rested, your body and your mind will work together to take off the pounds.  When you are sleep-deprived, it is difficult to focus your attention enough to be as effective as you can be. Chronic sleep deprivation has also been linked with obesity, diabetes, memory loss and hypertension. Not sleeping enough also increases the severity of age-related illnesses.

The Best Diet Plan and Adequate Sleep
The best diet plan also incorporates enough sleep.  Aim to get between seven and eight hours of sleep each night. Here are a few tips to get a good night's sleep:
  • If you have trouble falling asleep at night, be sure to get into a nighttime routine that signals your body that it's time for sleep. Find ways to relax your body and mind. 
  • Avoid electronic devices--turn off the television, resist the temptation to check your email or various social networking websites and put down your cell phone. The light emitted from these devices can inhibit slumber. 
  • Perform relaxing activities, such as reading, journaling, drinking warm herbal tea or taking a hot bath. 
  • Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages such as coffee or tea at least four hours before bed. Speaking of beverages, don't gulp down too much of any beverage before going to bed to prevent frequent nighttime bathroom trips. 
  • It's also best to avoid exercising (especially vigorous exercise) close to bed-time, specifically within three hours of hitting the sack.
Hormonal Changes Due to Inadequate Sleep 
When it comes to dieting, proper sleep plays a very distinct role. Research indicates that sleep deprivation impacts your hormone levels. When you don’t sleep enough, your body experiences increases in ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates your appetite. As a result, you will find yourself feeling hungrier even though you have eaten adequate portions.

Additionally, as a result of sleep deprivation, your body’s leptin levels decrease. Leptin is a hormone that is produced in the fat cells and alerts your brain when you are satiated. When you do not sleep enough, lower leptin levels keep you from feeling full. As a result of lower leptin levels and higher ghrelin levels, you will be hungrier and unable to feel full until you eat larger meals.

Snacking More When Sleep Deprived
When you feel tired or low on energy, you typically reach for starchy comfort foods to give you that quick burst of energy you need to make it through your hectic day. There is a scientific reason you crave those starchy foods when your energy levels start to plummet. These foods are predominantly made up of simple carbohydrates, which means they are broken down quickly and the glucose is absorbed into your bloodstream, providing you that quick burst of energy. The problem is that these foods are oftentimes loaded with fat and sugar.

Original articles can be found here.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Something New: Week 8 Wrap-up

Week 8 of the Something New competition has come to an end.  The tally for this week is 2.4 lbs lost for a total of 11.4 lbs!  *Clapping hands* 


  • I had my cheeseburger!!!!!!!  Thank you Five Guys Burgers & Fries.  You were well worth the wait :-)
  • I finished up the EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge!  I began using the second edition, EA Sports Active 2, but I will not be doing another challenge just yet. 
  • I enjoyed spending time with the parental unit this weekend as we celebrated Father's Day.  The weather was great, so we even got in some exercise by walking outside.
  • I fianlly upgraded my scale.  My old one was digital, but did not have decimals.  S/N - I see MyFitnessPal doesn't either.  I need every little bit of my hard work to show up on that scale.  No rounding!
Thant's all folks!!  See you next week :-)

Friday, June 15, 2012

5 Common Foods That Are Ruining Your Waistline

Great article from ~ Enjoy!!
There are many foods that seem to be "healthy" but may actually be helping you gain weight. Here is a list of a few common foods that you may want to limit or swap out of your diet.

Sweet Beverages
Many people think of drinks as free passes. After all, if you don't chew it, it can't affect your waistline, right? Wrong! Consider soda. With so many calories and chemicals and virtually no health benefits, soda is among the most harmful things you can put into your body.

But what about your daily coffee run? Every morning, I see people carrying coffee and blended coffee-based drinks, some up to 24 oz. While plain black coffee is OK, many prefer lattes, cappuccinos, or adding sugar, milk, and cream to the hot beverage. Some even add whipped cream or chocolate shavings! Almost every additive contributes even more calories and fat. Think about the extra unnecessary calories you may be consuming each morning, and adjust your habit to include less sugar or cream. If you can't choke down unsweetened black coffee, opt for plain black tea sweetened with stevia.

Another example of a not-so-great "health food" is 100% juice. Although I recommend fruit juice as a good alternative to water, drinking more than one small glass (6 ounces) per day adds unnecessary calories to your daily needs. Try reaching for real whole fruit instead, or dilute your juice with water to decrease the amount of sugar you consume.

Milk is a beverage I find can be a problem for children. People worry that lower-fat milk has fewer vitamins or minerals. This is not true - check the label, and you will find that everything is exactly the same except for fat and calories. Schools typically offer 1% chocolate milk and 2% white milk, making it difficult to really determine which one is better. I usually prefer less fat in my diet, compared to calories, but others may have differing opinions. For children, try limiting milk to 2 times per day, and aim for low fat.
I'm not sure why granola has such a good reputation for being healthy. While granola varies widely - some are made with whole grain oats, and others with more added sugars - the bottom line is that an excess amount of granola can be fattening. Most granola bars are high in sugar, and you will probably feel hungry shortly after you eat it. An excess of granola can actually make you gain weight. 

Most granola cereals are high in fat and sugar. Look for the first ingredient to be whole grains, and find granola bars that are high in fiber. Most likely, these varieties will make you fuller longer. Try making your own granola using honey or a natural sweetener instead of sugar. A little granola as a topping or mix in for yogurt is OK, but remember to keep the portion small.
Most people think crackers are better than cookies because they contain less sugar and sometimes less fat. However, crackers can be deceiving. Some popular brands have a buttery flavor that adds on the fat and calories. While cheese and crackers can be a good snack, this is only really true if they are whole grain crackers with low salt. 

Avoid cracker sandwiches - the ones that come prepackaged with peanut butter or cheese in the middle. While these are a quick and easy snack, they are loaded with sodium, fat, and calories. Instead, make your own cracker sandwiches. Get creative! Add various vegetables as a topping or try different cheeses. Look for crackers that are high in whole grains and low in fat. 

Cruising down the dairy aisle, there are so many varieties of yogurt that it would probably take you months to try all the different kinds. Greek-style, low-fat, light, whipped, creamy, and yogurt drinks... The options are endless. It makes choosing yogurt tricky. Yogurt is a great option for a quick snack and has loads of calcium that are beneficial for any diet. The problem is that so many different kinds means varying amounts of fat, sugar, and calories. 

Yogurt drinks are typically the worst culprit. Yogurt drinks are packed with fruit and calcium - but also calories, sugar, and fat. Remove these products from your regular shopping list. Yogurts with "fruit on the bottom" may seem healthier since you see the whole fruit, but in reality, they are packed with sugar, usually adding 100 calories to a serving. Instead, choose yogurts that are already mixed, and find the non-fat varieties. 

Greek yogurts are higher in protein, keeping you feeling fuller longer. As with regular yogurt, choose non-fat or low-fat varieties, and choose Greek yogurt that is already mixed to avoid the excess sugar. Your best option is to buy plain yogurt and add your own fresh fruit. 

While this could be part of the "Sweet Beverages" category, I feel smoothies deserve their own group. In speaking with patients, I find that most drink a smoothie because they feel it is a good way to get some fruit (or even vegetables) without having to eat them. A long time ago, this may have been true, but smoothies have become part of an elaborate industry, which usually means more calories. 

When purchasing a freshly made smoothie, pay attention to the ingredients. For starters, you should not see much more than fresh fruit, 100% juice, and ice. An occasional splash of non-fat milk or yogurt is OK as well, but most smoothie places add ice cream, sugar, fruit juice (that may not be 100%), and fresh fruit that has already been sweetened. This adds a ton of calories and fat. 

In addition, since it is a drink, most people assume that having a smoothie with a meal is a good idea. This is not true. In fact, smoothies are a meal replacement drink, meaning it should be the only thing you consume for breakfast, lunch, or dinner (depending on when you eat it). The safest bet is to avoid smoothies from a store, and instead make them yourself. Add some fresh fruit, juice, and yogurt to make it a satisfying meal. For a quick snack, drink only a small portion and store the rest in your refrigerator.

Original article can be found HERE.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Oh So Tasty! Part 3

This is the cool, summer treats edition of Oh So Tasty!  
It gets HOT around these parts, so I had to find some delicious portion 
controlled options to enjoy during the hot summer months.

EDY'S Slow Churned Snack Size Cups 
This doesn't even taste like a "light" ice cream!  Flavors like Carmel Delight, Chocolate, Chocolate Chip, Coffee, Cookies 'n Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip, Rocky Road and Vanilla Bean have half the fat and a third fewer calories than regular ice cream (under 200 calories).

Skinny Cow Individual Cups
150 calories of cool, creamy goodness that comes in five delicious flavors: 
Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Dulce de Leche, Strawberry Cheesecake, 
Caramel Cone and Cookies ‘n Cream.

Blue Bunny All Natural Frozen Yogurt
The Personal size has 2 servings in each cup and the Pint size has 4 (100-120 cal ea).
Flavors: Yogurt White Chocolate Raspberry,Vanilla Bean, Chocolate Vanilla Swirl, 
Strawberry Banana, Bordeaux Cherry Chocolate and Caramel Praline Crunch.

Ciao Bella Sorbet
All natural sorbet that comes in mini cups, bars and pint sizes to help with portion control. 
Flavors: Raspberry, Wild Blueberry, Mango, Blood Orange (my fave), Prickly Pear, Lemon Zest, Blackberry Cabernet, Passion Fruit, Banana Mango, Peach Ginger, Strawberry.

Blue Bell Strawberry Fruit Bars
At 70 calories, it is a perfect snack to satisfy those midday or evening cravings. 
Eating one bar provides 50% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C 
because it's made of mostly strawberries!  You can't beat that.

Note:  All photos from company websites.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Something New: Week 7 Wrap-up

Whew!  Week 7 of the Something New competition has come to an end.  The tally for this week is 1 more pound lost for a total of 9 lbs!  I can't wait until I reach my goal of 10 lbs lost.  I think I am going to have to change my long term goal (20 lbs. by Dec. 2012) because I believe that I can improve on it.  It's so exciting!!


  • I have fallen HARD for the grilled shrimp at The Fish Market.  Add the rice pilaf and steamed broccoli for a delicious and healthy meal!!
  • I am not even going to discuss my water intake this week. 
  • This week I will be completing the EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge!  I am planning to shift to more cardio workouts until after the 4th.  That means more advanced step, Zumba, ESA Dance/Sports, rhythm boxing, walking, etc.  After the holiday, I am going to start an EA Sports Active 2 challenge.  I own three different editions in the ESA family, so this is providing me with some variety.

Friday, June 8, 2012

10 Stubborn Exercise Myths that Won’t Die

We have all heard some of these before:  "No pain, no gain!" "You'll never bulk up without supplements." "Crunches are the key to six-pack abs!" It seems there are more questions and half-truths in the market about healthy exercise than there are clear, definitive facts—but the exercise industry is a multi-billion dollar business in the United States alone, built partially on selling gadgets and DVDs with incredible claims to people desperate to lose weight or look attractive. Meanwhile, good workout plans and simple truths lurk in the background waiting for their time to shine. All of this results in a ton of misinformation about exercise in general and set out to find the truth.


  • Myth 1: No Pain, No Gain
  • Myth 2: Soreness After Exercise is Caused by Lactic Acid Building Up in Your     Muscle
  • Myth 3: Exercise Takes Long Hours/Is Worthless If I Can't Exercise Regularly
  • Myth 4: You Need a Sports Drink When Exercising to Replenish Your Body's Electrolytes/Minerals/Etc
  • Myth 5: Stretching Before Exercise Will Prevent Injury
  • Myth 6: Working Out Will Only Build Muscle, Not Help Me Lose Weight 
  • Myth 7: Exercise Will Help Me Lose Weight Quickly
  • Myth 8: You Need to Take Supplements to Build Muscle
  • Myth 9: If You Don't Exercise When You're Young, It's Dangerous When You Get Older
  • Myth 10: Working Out at Home/Working Out at the Gym is Better than Working Out at Home/Working Out at the Gym

Read the full article for details HERE.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Review: Luna Bars

Soooo, I decided to try out some protein particular Luna Bars.  These bars were created by women for women to provide us with vitamins and nutrients that we need.  Their website states that these are not meal replacement bars, but an "organic nutrition bar which provides the nutrition women need to maintain active, healthy lives. It is a delicious, nutritious and convenient snack that satisfies and curbs hunger between meals, helping to prevent high calorie/high fat snack cravings such as potato chips or candy bars."

I bought three flavors:  Caramel Nut Brownie, Chocolate Dipped Coconut and S'mores.   I needed a snack the other night so I broke the Caramel Nut Brownie in half to try it.  Luna's website describes it as "Rich chocolate brownie goodness drizzled with creamy caramel."  Yes, there is a caramel layer on top with a chocolate drizzle and a chocolate layer on the bottom.  My problem comes with the middle of the bar or the brownie, which is like a dark chocolate rice crispy kind of taste.  I am sure some people would love this, but I am not a fan of dark chocolate so I won't be buying this one again.

Photo courtesy of
I tried the Chocolate Dipped Coconut after church one Sunday.  My tummy was growling, but I was out running errands with no lunch in sight.  Luckily, I had this bar in my purse.  Luna's website describes it as " A deliciously decadent combination of toasted coconut and chocolate."  I don't know about that decadent part, but the bar was pretty good, even if it was a bit thick and chewy.  Make sure you have some water around to wash it down.  It took me a couple of bites to get used to the consistency.  Some reviewers say that it reminds them of Samoas, but it's not THAT good!  FYI - That's my favorite Girl Scout cookie in life, lol!  Overall impression?  It was tasty enough that I would buy it again.

 Photo courtesy of

I finally got a chance to try the S'mores bar.  Luna's website says "Marshmallow nuggets swirled with graham crackers, topped with dark chocolate."  This bar tasted a lot like a thicker, chewier rice crispy treat with chocolate on the bottom.  Take a wild guess if that means it was good??  Yep!  Again, it was tasty enough for me to buy it again. 

All in all, these bars were tasty snacks.  However, at about 180 calories, they were a bit too much for me for a snack.  That's usually my calories count for two snacks.  Lo and behold, they come in a mini version that's only 80 calories!!  I will have to try these flavors at some point.  If you already have, let me know what you think.

LUNA Minis are available in two varieties (10 minis per box):
  Nutz Over Chocolate® and S’mores
  White Chocolate Macadamia and LemonZest®

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Are You Obese? BMI vs. WHR

I recently read the article, “Obesity could affect 42% of Americans by 2030” at  In the comments section, someone (who disagreed with calculating levels of obesity by using BMI) said “If somebody wants to know if they're actually fat - divide your waist measurement by your height.”  Curious, I decided to Google this statement and found a number of articles that refuted the fact that BMI was the best indicator to determine if one was overweight.  The Weight-to-Height Ratio (WHR) is a much better method to determine if someone is susceptible to health risks associated with obesity.

BMI or Body Mass Index, a ratio of weight to height, has long been considered one of the best measures for assessing overall health risk.  Getting your BMI into a healthy range used to be considered a top health priority. However, recent research shows that there is a new sheriff in town: your waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). Studies now indicate that WHtR is a much better measure than BMI for assessing obesity and cardiovascular risk. 

The Research
In a recent study presented in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism, the WHtR was the strongest predictor of cardiovascular risk and mortality. On the other hand, BMI was not always positively associated with cardiovascular risk. The results of this study discourage the use of BMI as a measure of health risk and encourage the use of WHtR.
BMI Flaws
BMI provides a guide to the relationship between a person's height and weight. However, having a high BMI is not always a telltale sign that one will be at greater risk for disease. For instance, many thin people who have low or normal BMI's still have heart attacks or die from strokes and many people who have high BMI's are in good cardiovascular shape (as the study above indicated). BMI does not take into account an individual's frame, gender, or the amount of muscle mass versus fat mass. For example, two people can have the same BMI, even if one is much more muscular and carrying far less abdominal fat than the other; this is because BMI does not account for differences in fat distribution.

The WHR is calculated by dividing waist size by height, and takes gender into account. As an example, a male with a 32 inch waist who is 5'10" (70 inches) would divide 32 by 70, to get a WHtR of 45.7 percent. The WHtR is thought to give a more accurate assessment of health since the most dangerous place to carry weight is in the abdomen. Fat in the abdomen, which is associated with a larger waist, is metabolically active and produces various hormones that can cause harmful effects, such as diabetes, elevated blood pressure, and altered lipid (blood fat) levels.

Many athletes, both male and female, who often have a higher percentage of muscle and a lower percentage of body fat, have relatively high BMIs but their WHtRs are within a healthy range. This also holds true for women who have a "pear" rather than an "apple" shape.

The following chart helps you determine if your WHtR falls in a healthy range (these ratios are percentages):

• Ratio less than 35: Abnormally Slim to Underweight
• Ratio 35 to 42: Extremely Slim
• Ratio 42 to 46: Healthy
• Ratio 46 to 49: Healthy
• Ratio 49 to 54: Overweight
• Ratio 54 to 58: Seriously Overweight
• Ratio over 58: Highly Obese

• Ratio less than 35: Abnormally Slim to Underweight
• Ratio 35 to 43: Extremely slim
• Ratio 43 to 46: Healthy
• Ratio 46 to 53: Healthy, Normal Weight
• Ratio 53 to 58: Overweight
• Ratio 58 to 63: Extremely Overweight/Obese
• Ratio over 63: Highly Obese 

Calculate your BMI and WHtR with the BMI Plus Calculator at WebMD.
Original article at


Monday, June 4, 2012

Something New: Week 6 Wrap-up

Just completed Week 6 of the competition!  I lost one more pound this past week for a total loss of 8 lbs!  Once I have lost 10 lbs, I am planning to enjoy my first cheeseburger since the competition began.  #Don'tjudgeme

I am still doing the EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge and have been mixing up my cardio by incorporating dance.  Now that has been a lot of fun!  My workouts have also gotten longer because I have been doing an additional 15-20 minutes of cardio on the days that I do my strength training.  I even got a chance to walk outside this week and noticed that my usual trek was a lot easier.  Plus, I was able to take two laps in the same amount of time that I used to take one.  My endurance is improving, so yay me!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Almond Milk vs. Soy Milk: The Great Debate

Soy milk and almond milk are the top two most popular dairy milk alternatives that are recommended for people with allergies, lactose intolerance, diabetes or heart diseases. They can also be used when baking or cooking savory dishes.  So which one is better for you?  I did a bit of research to help you decide.

Photo from:

Quick Facts
It Doesn’t Taste Like Milk: Honestly, the taste of soy milk takes some getting used to when you are used to drinking regular milk.  The consistency is a little thicker and the original tastes a little “beany”, which is why I prefer the vanilla flavor.  I don’t like to drink it alone, but it works great for me in cereals, with pancakes or with cookies.  Online reviews say that almond milk tastes sweeter and nuttier.  I haven't tried the original almond milk, but I have tried Silk Pure Vanilla Almond, which tasted like I was drinking vanilla bean ice cream.  Yummy :-)

Soy Milk is High in Protein: It’s the only one that’s comparable to cow’s milk, providing between 8 and 11 grams of protein per cup. Soy protein also has beneficial effects on cholesterol levels and may also help keep your bones strong. 

Almond Milk is Lower in Calories: If you’re counting calories, almond milk tends to be quite a bit lower in calories and sugar than most of the other non-dairy milks. It also contains monounsaturated fats, which are the same heart-healthy fats found in olive oil. Almond milk is fairly low in protein.

Calories for the original and vanilla flavors of each:
  • Silk Original Soy Milk: 90 calories per serving
  • Silk Pure Almond Original: 60 calories per serving
  • Silk Vanilla: 100 calories per serving
  • Silk Pure Almond Vanilla: 90 calories per serving
  • Silk Pure Almond Unsweetened Original or Vanilla: 30 calories per serving
Nutritional benefits: Cow’s milk is a major source of calcium and vitamin D and non-dairy milks are not naturally high in these nutrients. Some brands are fortified to make them comparable to cow’s milk as a source of calcium and vitamin D. Both soy and almond milk are excellent sources of B vitamins and all essential minerals including iron, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, copper and manganese. These minerals help control your blood pressure, improve your blood oxygenation, and protect you against diseases.  One notable advantage of almond milk is that it is much higher in vitamin E and manganese, making it a more powerful drink for improvement of skin quality and protection against cancer. However, most brands of soy and almond milk contain added sugar, salt, and other things to improve the flavor (almond milk usually has more sodium than soy milk).


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Oh So Tasty! Part 2

I have made some more discoveries in my grocery store!  

 Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownies
Each brownie is only 90 calories and has 20% of your daily allowance of fiber.  
I have tried the chocolate fudge flavor and it tastes great!
Excellent replacement for my beloved Chik-fil-A fudge brownie that has 390 calories!

Pepperidge Farms Baked Naturals Cracker Chips
I am in love with these tasty little things and they go so well with sandwiches.
25 chips that are only 130 calories makes this a permanent grocery list item.

Florida's Natural Fruit Juice Nuggets
I love the real fruit flavor of these little snacks and they are only 50 calories a pack!
Comparatively: Sunkist fruit snacks are 90 cals and Welch's are 80 cals.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Something New: Week 5 Wrap-up

One more for the books!  Week 5 of the competition is ovah!  My final tally for this week is 1 more pound lost for a total of 7 lbs!  My short term goal was to lose at least one pound each week, so I am definitely on track.  I need to decide how I am going to reward myself :-)


  • I made it through the first official grilling holiday by putting some delicious things on the barbie: shrimp, chicken kabobs, chicken wings, chicken sausage... do you get my drift?  I even had a couple of steaks that I divided into smaller portions to eat.  Remember, it's not about depriving yourself.  You just have to be mindful of portion sizes! 
  • I am still drinking a steady six glasses of water a day.  I did notice that I can easily get those eight glasses if I drink more while I am working out, so that's my new plan.
  • I have become the Queen of Healthy Snacks!  I only have about two snacks a day, so the amount of things in my pantry has made me swear off shopping for anything else for the next couple of months!
  • The workouts are FINALLY starting to become a habit for me.  This one took a little bit longer than 21 days.  Some days I am dog tired and have to drag myself through the steps, but most days I actually start to look forward to working up a sweat.  By the time I am halfway through my workout I am wishing it were over, but this is still a vast improvement over my couch potato past, lol!!  I am on day 13 of the EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge and have completed 9 out of 20 workouts.  That is almost the halfway point so I am rather proud of myself!  

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."  ~  Fred Devito

Friday, May 25, 2012

Love/Hate Relationship: Taco Bell

I love a good taco or some nachos.  I usually make them at home using ground turkey and all the fixings, but every now and then, I would head straight over to "yo quiero Taco Bell" and place my order.  Le Sigh.  Since starting this blog, having to actually look at the nutritional information of fast food restaurants has been an eye opening experience.  Seriously, I don't think most people realize how many calories the average combo has when they are going through a drive through and ordering the same old, same old.  If they did, they would keep on going.  And they wonder why so many Americans are obese.

Love it! (usual orders)
  • Nachos BellGrande and Crunchy Taco Supreme (980 cal)
  • Fiesta Taco Salad-Beef  (780 cal)
  • Grilled Steak Soft Taco and Two Crunchy Tacos (590 cal)
  • Caramel Apple Empanada (310 cal)
 By the way, I haven't even added the other 600-800 or so calories for that big old cup of soda that comes with the meal!

Try it! (healthier options)
Here are some lower calorie options that are a little easier on your waistline.
  • Two of these with a diet soda or water for lunch
    • Fresco Chicken Soft Taco (150 cal)
    • Fresco Crunchy Taco (150 cal)
    • Fresco Grilled Steak Soft Taco (150 cal)
    • Fresco Soft Taco (180 cal)
    • Crunchy Taco (170 cal)
    • Chicken Soft Taco (180 cal)
  • One of these with Mexican Rice (120 cal) for dinner
    • Fresco Bean Burrito (350 cal)
    • Fresco Burrito Supreme Chicken (350 cal)
    • Fresco Burrito Supreme Steak (340 cal)
The Fresco items are part of Taco Bell's Diet Menu and are prepared with Fiesta Salsa – a mix of diced tomatoes, white onions and cilantro – that replaces the shredded cheese and sauce for only 5 calories!

Hate it!
XXL Grilled Stuft Burrito - Beef (880 cal)
XXL Grilled Stuft Chicken - Beef (840 cal)
XXL Grilled Stuft Steak - Beef (820 cal)
Volcano Nachos (990 cal)  Really!?!?

You can see more nutrition information on Taco Bell's website.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Exercising with EA Sports Active

If you recall, I had to skip my walks outside for various reasons and decided to work out with my Wii instead.  I have had these games for a while, but have never really used them consistently before now.  I started exercising with the Wii Fit and last week I moved on to the 30 day challenge with EA Sports Active.  There are definite benefits to each system.  Wii Fit gives me a better cardio workout because I am having so much fun that I don't realize how long I have been playing.  EA Sports Active is more intensive because it is like working out with a personal trainer. 

Oprah's personal trainer, Bob Greene, helped develop this system.  It provides you with a variety of exercises for a strength training routine that targets the muscles of the upper and lower body, as well as cardio.   There are 70+ exercises including: jogging, bicep curls, cardio boxing, inline skating, cross knee punches, bent over rows, lateral shoulder raises, said lunges, squats and tennis.   You can choose whether you want a male or female personal trainer to show you how to do each exercise and offer you verbal feedback.  The system is very useful in that it can tell when you are not doing an exercise properly and provides on screen cues to get you back on track.  All in all, this was a great investment!

    Monday, May 21, 2012

    Something New: Week 4 Wrap-up

    Well, I have made it through the fourth week of the competition!  That time just flew on by! Anywho, the final tally for this week - 2 lbs lost for a total of 6 lbs! 
    **doing my happy dance**


    • A lot of my new habits are becoming easier: Using a food journal, cooking dinner regularly, skipping regular sodas, drinking more water, exercising almost daily, etc.  I guess that old rule of doing something for 21-28 days to make it a habit is true.
    • I am still drinking a steady six glasses of water a day.  Oh, those last two glasses continue to elude me!  BTW, I have not been counting tea or Crystal Light drinks in my total, even though they are mostly water.
    • I surprised myself when I realized that I had not had a fast food burger and fries in one month!  It doesn't even take me very long to cook at home because I keep some 15 - 20 minute meal options in the freezer at all times.  I almost went to Taco Bell the other day, but started thinking that I am on a roll!  Instead, I went to the store and bought all of the ingredients to cook my own tacos at home with ground turkey.  I need to save those fast food moments for evenings when I really don't have time to cook.
    • My new exercise regimen has been working out great, especially since it has been getting much warmer outside.  I started the EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge for strength training last week and continue to do the Wii Fit on my rest days for cardio.  Surprisingly, I have decided to continue exercising six days a week; I can't even believe I have given myself this goal.  Let's be real for a minute.  Do I WANT to do all of this exercise?  Absolutely not.  However, I would rather get up and do it so that it becomes a habit.  It helps that my workouts are between 20-25 minutes and I usually have dinner in the oven.  By the time I finish, I just take a quick shower, sit down and enjoy a good meal.  I figure if I keep it up at this pace, I will be ok on the days that I can't workout because of my schedule.

    New Motto:  Slow and steady wins the race!

    Friday, May 18, 2012

    Link Love 2

    Trendy "functional" waters are giving plain old H₂0 a run for its money. 
    But do they really improve your health?
    All the yummy treats you love, and these 10 are diet-friendly to boot. Sweet!

    Packaged foods have gotten a bad, um, wrap. But, they’ve come a long way.  
    Consider this your stay-slim shopping list.
    Trying to slim down and feeling frustrated?  If you’re giving it your all but the number on the scale still isn’t budging, you may be sabotaging yourself in spite of your best intentions.
    Here are a dozen dieting don'ts to help save your weight-loss efforts.

    Most of us eat too much sugar.  If you’re trying to cut back on added sugars in your diet, you’ve probably already tackled the obvious sources: sugar-sweetened beverages and desserts.  But what about the less-obvious sources of added sugars?

    Thursday, May 17, 2012

    Love/Hate Relationship: O'Charley's

    Scenario:  My friend and I decided to run to a shoe store during lunch last week.  Unfortunately, it had been so long since either of us had been to the store that we didn't know that it had closed.  Two years ago.  Oh well...

    I had a bright idea.  "Let's go to O'Charley's for lunch!"  It was close by and I hadn't been there in a while.  She agreed and I drove on over.  We entered, were seated and were given menus.  We both pulled out our phones and started checking calorie counts.  **Crickets**  

    Their lunch menu, with items starting at $6.49, lets you choose an entree and a pairing (calories):
    • Entrees include: 1/2 BLT (410), Cheese & Bacon Quesadilla (710), 1/2 Club Sandwich (480), Chicken Tacos (620), Chicken Fajita Sandwich (740) and Cajun Chicken Pasta (840).
    • Pairing include: Soup of the Day, Overloaded Potato Soup (170 cup), House Salad w/o Dressing (130), Caesar Salad (280) and a Loaded Baked Potato (590)
    Oh-kay... moving on to the more expensive options.
    • Good Time Nachos (Not a real option, but they looked good!) - 1030 cal
    • Bayou Tilapia - 880 cal (w/o the sauce and 1/2 the serving of the rice pilaf - 435 cal)
    • Caesar Salad with Grilled Chicken - 680 cal
    • Cedar Planked Salmon - 530 cal
    • Cedar Planked Tilapia - 280 cal
    • Grilled Turkey Burger - 890 cal
    • Sweet Potato Fries - 470 cal
    • Yeast Roll - 130 cal
    Le sigh.  The pickings were indeed slim.  Let's just say that our waitress had to come back to our table three times before we ordered.  I finally settled on the Bayou Tilapia with the sauce on the side (435) with rice pilaf (190) and a house salad (130) with Balsamic dressing.  Removing the sauce from the fish basically made it a nice blackened tilapia.  We couldn't resist the rolls, so we decided to split one.  But, hold on for a moment.  I ordered the Balsamic dressing because they didn't have Italian and I though it would be better than Ranch.  I was shocked that it had 240 calories!  Oil based salad dressings were supposed to be better than cream based, right?!?  Apparently not in every case, so I was glad I got that on the side as well.  I ended up dipping the fork in the dressing in order to eat the salad.  How they came up with 130 calories for a bowl of lettuce with ONE cucumber slice and an actual PINCH of shredded cheese is beyond me, but whatever.  I guess it was all of the croutons (which I removed).  The Bayou Tilapia "sauce" was really an oily Creole sauce that looked like a gravy of some kind with red and green peppers in it.  I was so glad that I asked that it be put on the side.  The seasoned fish was perfect all by itself.  The meal came with about two servings of rice pilaf so I left half of it uneaten.  Restaurant portions are so large that you have to be mindful of just how much you are eating or their nutritional info goes right out of the window.  All in all, it was a good lunch and a good day!  

    You can find more of O'Charley's nutritional information here.  They have a few decent options, but not as many as I expected.  When you consider how restaurants are beginning to cater to those who want healthier options, O'Charley's seems to be a little behind the curve.

     Bayou Tilapia (Photo courtesy of O'Charley's)

    Wednesday, May 16, 2012

    Oh So Tasty!

    I have made some new discoveries in my grocery store!  Here are a few of the healthier foods that I have tried and love.  I am not dieting, so not every item I list will be low fat, no sugar, no flavor, etc.  I am making a lifestyle change and losing excess weight by exercising more and making better choices about what I eat and how much.  So, now that my disclaimer is out of the way, I can get down to business.

    Have you ever tried a turkey burger?  Now usually, I just use the fresh, ground turkey patties and season them myself, but, um... they were frozen cause I had planned to cook something else for dinner.  Off to Wally World!  After picking up the usual patties, I glanced down into the frozen section as I passed by. Hmm, these burgers looked good and were already seasoned, so I grabbed them and put back the others.  Plus, they could be prepared from "Freezer to Grill", saving me another trip to the store in the future.  Works for me!

    Butterball Frozen Seasoned Turkey Burgers
    Just broil them for 5 to 7 minutes on each side, toast up a wheat bun
    and you can enjoy a juicy, well seasoned burger that is only 240 calories.  It was so good!!
    FYI - Be careful of pre-seasoned foods like this if you are watching your sodium intake.
    Speaking of that wheat bun.  I usually go for white wheat bread because wheat seems a little chewy and thick to me.  Apparently, it has been the brand that I have been buying.  After reading good things about Arnold brand products, I picked up their 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Rolls (160 cal each).  Honestly, I forgot that it was a wheat bun because it tasted so good and was so soft.  It was also a good sized bun and wasn't dwarfed by my turkey burger.

    Arnold 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Rolls

    We all know that you can't go to Wally World and just pick up one or two things.  I also grabbed a couple of bags of the Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps.  I tried them out for the first time a few of weeks ago and now they are a staple in my pantry for a good, filling snack.  They look like pretzels, but the dough has been flattened and baked to give the crispy texture of a chip or cracker.  I have only tried the Original flavor, but they also come in Everything, Garlic Parmesan, Sesame, Jalapeno Jack, Buffalo Wing and Chipotle Cheddar.  Eleven crisps are only 110 calories!

    Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps

    So, there you have it!