Monday, June 11, 2012

Something New: Week 7 Wrap-up

Whew!  Week 7 of the Something New competition has come to an end.  The tally for this week is 1 more pound lost for a total of 9 lbs!  I can't wait until I reach my goal of 10 lbs lost.  I think I am going to have to change my long term goal (20 lbs. by Dec. 2012) because I believe that I can improve on it.  It's so exciting!!


  • I have fallen HARD for the grilled shrimp at The Fish Market.  Add the rice pilaf and steamed broccoli for a delicious and healthy meal!!
  • I am not even going to discuss my water intake this week. 
  • This week I will be completing the EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge!  I am planning to shift to more cardio workouts until after the 4th.  That means more advanced step, Zumba, ESA Dance/Sports, rhythm boxing, walking, etc.  After the holiday, I am going to start an EA Sports Active 2 challenge.  I own three different editions in the ESA family, so this is providing me with some variety.

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