Monday, June 18, 2012

Something New: Week 8 Wrap-up

Week 8 of the Something New competition has come to an end.  The tally for this week is 2.4 lbs lost for a total of 11.4 lbs!  *Clapping hands* 


  • I had my cheeseburger!!!!!!!  Thank you Five Guys Burgers & Fries.  You were well worth the wait :-)
  • I finished up the EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge!  I began using the second edition, EA Sports Active 2, but I will not be doing another challenge just yet. 
  • I enjoyed spending time with the parental unit this weekend as we celebrated Father's Day.  The weather was great, so we even got in some exercise by walking outside.
  • I fianlly upgraded my scale.  My old one was digital, but did not have decimals.  S/N - I see MyFitnessPal doesn't either.  I need every little bit of my hard work to show up on that scale.  No rounding!
Thant's all folks!!  See you next week :-)

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