Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Review: Luna Bars

Soooo, I decided to try out some protein particular Luna Bars.  These bars were created by women for women to provide us with vitamins and nutrients that we need.  Their website states that these are not meal replacement bars, but an "organic nutrition bar which provides the nutrition women need to maintain active, healthy lives. It is a delicious, nutritious and convenient snack that satisfies and curbs hunger between meals, helping to prevent high calorie/high fat snack cravings such as potato chips or candy bars."

I bought three flavors:  Caramel Nut Brownie, Chocolate Dipped Coconut and S'mores.   I needed a snack the other night so I broke the Caramel Nut Brownie in half to try it.  Luna's website describes it as "Rich chocolate brownie goodness drizzled with creamy caramel."  Yes, there is a caramel layer on top with a chocolate drizzle and a chocolate layer on the bottom.  My problem comes with the middle of the bar or the brownie, which is like a dark chocolate rice crispy kind of taste.  I am sure some people would love this, but I am not a fan of dark chocolate so I won't be buying this one again.

Photo courtesy of
I tried the Chocolate Dipped Coconut after church one Sunday.  My tummy was growling, but I was out running errands with no lunch in sight.  Luckily, I had this bar in my purse.  Luna's website describes it as " A deliciously decadent combination of toasted coconut and chocolate."  I don't know about that decadent part, but the bar was pretty good, even if it was a bit thick and chewy.  Make sure you have some water around to wash it down.  It took me a couple of bites to get used to the consistency.  Some reviewers say that it reminds them of Samoas, but it's not THAT good!  FYI - That's my favorite Girl Scout cookie in life, lol!  Overall impression?  It was tasty enough that I would buy it again.

 Photo courtesy of

I finally got a chance to try the S'mores bar.  Luna's website says "Marshmallow nuggets swirled with graham crackers, topped with dark chocolate."  This bar tasted a lot like a thicker, chewier rice crispy treat with chocolate on the bottom.  Take a wild guess if that means it was good??  Yep!  Again, it was tasty enough for me to buy it again. 

All in all, these bars were tasty snacks.  However, at about 180 calories, they were a bit too much for me for a snack.  That's usually my calories count for two snacks.  Lo and behold, they come in a mini version that's only 80 calories!!  I will have to try these flavors at some point.  If you already have, let me know what you think.

LUNA Minis are available in two varieties (10 minis per box):
  Nutz Over Chocolate® and S’mores
  White Chocolate Macadamia and LemonZest®

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