Monday, April 23, 2012

Want to Lose Weight? Drink Water!

How much water do you drink each day???  I can admit that I am no where near an "8 Glasses-A-Day" person and usually only drink something with meals.  However, I recently came across a comment on a message board that said drinking two glasses of water before each meal would help you lose weight.  Sounds like a gimmick, right?  Like eating on saucers so you can't eat as much or chewing each bite 50 times so that you get full faster.  Well, I began to wonder if there was any truth to this and decided to Google it for more reputable source. recently reported about a new study suggesting that an effective weight-loss aid is available straight from your kitchen sink.  Drinking two 8-ounce glasses of water (the amount in one small bottle of spring water) before breakfast, lunch, and dinner while also cutting back on portions may help you lose weight and keep it off for at least a year, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston.

The study included only middle-aged and older adults between the ages of 55 and 75 who were on diets - 1,200 calories per day for women and 1,500 calories per day for men. Half of the people were told to drink 16 ounces of water before every meal. After three months, the dieters who drank water had lost an average of about 15.5 pounds, while those who didn't lost just 11 pounds.  A year later, the water-drinkers had also kept more of the weight off.

It’s also a better way to change the habit of drinking sugary drinks that contain high calories like sodas.  Sounds easy enough to do and I do need to increase my water intake.  Maybe I will give this a try.  What do you think?

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